
Welcome to Advance The Scene Blog. This blog is a work in progress and will focus mostly on working well and human interaction (boardroom and living room – meaning at work and at home). As a working, married mom of two, I’ve noticed that many of my experiences in the workplace as a facilitator, coach and Organization Development practitioner is applicable in the “familyplace”. I work with leaders, individuals and teams on a variety of topics (performance improvement, morale, communication, effective teaming, etc.). What it mostly boils down to is how to have fun (meaning taking ourselves less serious) and authentically interact and communicate with each other to move forward and accomplish our goals.

So, what about the title of the blog. Well, I enjoy performing and wathcing Improv. One main principle of Improv is to keep things moving…to do something to advance the scene – otherwise your stuck or in theater terms your “dead” on stage and that is not a fun place to be. At times, we need to work through our fears or apprehensions and just do something to change the situation – even if we aren’t sure of the outcome.

In the spirit of Improv, I’ll do something and see what happens. I’ll continue to update this page as I move forward in this blogging journey.

Thank you for reading.

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