Archive for July, 2010

Whaddya Think Wednesday: Fear of Success, huh?

Do We Fear Success?

Why is it that for many of us, we struggle with reaching our goals both at work and at home? For many, it’s the fear of failure that completely paralyzes us so we do nothing. The thought process is, well if I do nothing, then I can’t fail. I get this and at times have competently practiced this “self-talk.”

What about Fear Of Success? Is there such a thing? Aren’t we all striving to be successful? Successful entrepreneurs, employees, managers, spouses, parents, friends, etc? What’s so fearful about being a good parent, a good entrepreneur?

Here’s what I think. We are just as fearful of success as we are of failure. We get equally paralyzed by both and often choose to do nothing, instead.

What do you think? I’m curious to start a discussion about this. So, let’s Do Something different and see where it goes.

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